Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Nice Computer Wall Paper photos

funpreneur WS 2010/11 ►screenshot◄ of a LCD-grid magnified by a beamer-projector
computer wall paper
Image by quapan
Taken & photoshopped and posted on 30/31 October 2010 ──► Funpreneur-Wall @facebook

►── Funpreneur-Wettbewerb (GQ 020) - Gründung einer Studentenfirma @berlin.de/wirtschaft ──◄

... „Vorhandenes Entdecken“ nennt Israel M. Kirzner (1978) die Kerneigenschaft des Entrepreneurs ...

... Es gibt im Deutschen kein Wort, das die Bedeutung von Entrepreneurship einigermaßen
zutreffend wiedergeben würde. Unternehmertum? Das klingt sehr nach gesetzten Herren im
grauen Anzug beim Verbandstreffen der Mittelstandsvereinigung, nicht gerade nach kreativen
Ideen und Neuanfang. Unternehmensgeist? Ja, das wäre der richtige Begriff, wenn er denn
deutlich machte, daß es um unternehmerische Initiativen geht und um die Gründung und
Startphase eines Unternehmens. Bleiben wir also vorerst bei Entrepreneurship. Wir verstehen
darunter die Entwicklung einer unternehmerischen Idee und ihre Umsetzung im Markt.
Bleiben wir beim englischen Sprachgebrauch. Es fällt auf, daß dort eine Unterscheidung
zwischen entrepreneurship und business administration gemacht wird. Warum diese
Differenzierung? Sie will das innovative Moment und den Neuanfang betonen im Gegensatz zu
Unternehmensverwaltung (administration). Im Deutschen wird am häufigsten der Begriff
Unternehmensführung verwendet, der diese Unterscheidung nicht deutlich macht. Darüber hinaus
stößt man in der anglo-amerikanischen Literatur auf eine differenziertere Betrachtung des
Unternehmers, die in der deutschen Literatur und auch in der politischen Diskussion nicht
vorgenommen wird. "Whereas English speakers identify entrepreneurship with new, small
business, the Germans identify it with power and property, which is even more mistaking. The
Unternehmer - the literal translation into German of .. entrepreneur - is the person who both owns
and runs a business (the English term would be "owner - manager")" (Drucker, 1993, S. 25).
Betrachten wir die Behandlung der Figur des Unternehmers in der Wirtschaftstheorie näher. Eine
Überraschung wartet auf uns. Erstaunlicherweise wird der Unternehmer in der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Theorie weitgehend ausgeblendet. "Entrepreneurship is an
important and, until fairly recently, sadly neglected subject", sagt Mark Casson (1990, S.XIII),
den man als Wiederentdecker der Unternehmerfigur in der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion
bezeichnen könnte.
.... Taugt die Idee nicht viel oder ist sie nicht ausgereift, dann helfen auch die Förderprogramme
nicht, die jetzt allerorten angeboten werden. Im Gegenteil - es könnte auch so sein, daß sie
ablenken, daß man versucht, ins Förderprogramm zu passen, statt eine „auf einen selbst
geschneiderte Idee“ zu erarbeiten. Es würde daher nicht überraschen, wenn nach dem
Gründungsrauschen – nicht ganz im Sinne der Förderprogramme – ein Pleiterauschen einsetzte.
Immerhin sind schon jetzt mehr als die Hälfte aller Neugründungen nach Ablauf von fünf Jahren
nicht mehr existent.
... Das Netz weiter werfen - Für eine neue Kultur unternehmerischen Handelns G. Faltin In: Entrepreneurship - Wie aus Ideen Unternehmen werden. Hrsg. G. Faltin, S. Ripsas, J. Zimmer, Verlag C. H. Beck , 1998

Concentrate on the development of a good entrepreneurial idea: it might well be the main foundation to your entrepreneurial success.
...Hans Hinterhuber (1992) points out a special relationship between the entrepreneurial vision
and the person: entrepreneurial ideas, he says, are an expression of one’s own life and professional
experience. He even speaks of the ”feeling of a mission.” This sense of mission must be present to set
free the energies needed to market a product successfully. The author gives several examples of
entrepreneurial ideas that have marked our society more than others, because their originators had ”an
idea in the Platonic sense” and were imbued with a sense of mission: Gottlieb Duttweiler in
Switzerland, with his idea of breaking down traditional commercial structures and offering products
much cheaper, especially to poorer population groups; or Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak, with
their vision of democratising the computer. Interesting, too, is the notion that entrepreneurial vision
often comes with ”an idea of sweeping, classic simplicity” (op. cit. 44).
This is in contrast to economic textbook theory which usually assumes that profits make up
the motivation in the field of business. “The essence of entrepreneurship is being different”, says
Casson (op. cit.). And, as Richard Olsen, the Swiss founder of a research institute for applied
economics, adds: “If your main motivation is money, you will not have the perseverance that you
need to create a successful entrepreneurial venture.”
Entrepreneurship - says Timmons (1994) - means the ability to set up and build something out of
practically nothing; it is therefore an elementarily human, creative act. In this regard, it should be
made clear that an entire area of entrepreneurship has always given and continues to give great weight
to the creative aspect of developing an entrepreneurial idea.


Most conservatives, in the past, favoured entrepreneurship but dismissed the values and chances of micro-entrepreneurship. They regarded large projects and the formal sector to be the only possible approach to development. However they are beginning now to recognize the potential for micro-enterprises, particularly for the poor people. G. Faltin, Competencies for Innovative Entrepreneurship
Paper presented to the UNESCO meeting on the Future of Work and Adult Learning, Hamburg, 1999, February 19 – 21

No problem here
computer wall paper
Image by origami_potato
A quick snap of the wall behind my computer. I've been piling up the shawnimals/wee ninja paper/sticker goodies. :P

An Offering of Lighted Poetic Candles for Steve Page
computer wall paper
Image by aliceinthepoetsheartland
Reposting this in my site here for him

Steve Page is a child at heart- in and out of Flickr, you will find much of this veritable Peter Pan in yet another of his sites where he lists his favorite cameras as Canon 5D Mark II and Canon 7D and his favorite journal as predictably: Wall Street, amongst other things.

I quote what this wise guy wrote in his profile:

“I have a passion for photography and all the wonderful creative things we can do with the equipment and technology now available. I have had a love affair with cameras since I was a boy and that love remains after many years. I’m retired after a very rewarding 37 year career in sales and management in the computer industry. That background makes for a natural marriage with the fantastic computer hardware and software that is also available for our use today. I’m a convert to all Mac equipment after having worked with microprocessors since their inception. I have been retired for 10 plus years and during that time I have had the opportunity to do what I want and to explore all of my many interests. Photography and computers take up much of my time and I do my best to stay current in both areas of technology. I totally enjoy trying to improve my skill level with all my equipment.”
~Steve Page

I thought our friends here may want to know that Steve had four of his brilliant artworks in photographs featured in Facebook posting together with the poem of an esteemed poet.
I am copying here for you to read. The poem speaks of the filial love for a respected professor- that has the poet coming back to her abandoned cottage to light the lamp of agape` for the woman whose noble profession has greatly influenced his development.
Steve's photos include the white lily for purity of the poet's intentions, the exquisite image of Steve's dragonfly signifies the patient wait for the past to return to the home that nurtured the love for poetry, Steve's wondrous picture of the lighted Christmas wreath sustains the nostalgic mood of remembering, the lighted sconce of Steve evokes the promise of the poets return; and then his lamppost here is one of the lamps the poet speaks about along the way to and from her cottage, these illumine the darkness of uncertainties...Congratulations Steve! Expect his published works in a project I am working on that should be out by early 2012.

And now the poem...

Care of Light

As soon as it gets dark, I turn on the lights
In my old professor’s cottage, and the following
Morning before office, turn them off again.
With one key, I open the iron gate, and with two
the main door. I turn the lamp on her library,
The vigil light for the Sacred Heart on the shelf
Jutting out a wall; then I switch on the single
Electric bulb outside the kitchen, and last,
The red and green halogen like Christmas lights
below the front eaves.
follow strictly her instructions.
She loves order in her life, and requires
A similar order in other people’s behavior---
A discipline of mind sometimes terrorized
By the haps and hazards of thieving time.
She needs to be always in control,
But she’s old now and frail, can hardly walk,
Deaf and half-blind, and often ill, so that,
having no choice, no housemaid able to endure
Her sense of order, she had to leave
And stay at her sister’s place,
finally dependent.
In the half-darkness and mustiness now
Of her deserted cottage, all its windows closed,
Her books and papers, once alive with breath
Of her impetuous quests, are filmed with dust
On her long working table, awaiting it seems
her return.
I think of how a long time ago
She’d walk briskly to her early morning class,
Dressed in style to shame old maids; then call
Our names as though each had irreplaceable
Post in her invincible order of things;
And then, her shoulders hunched, teach
With a passion that, before the imperious gale
Of her questioning, drove us bleating
On the open plain of the world’s sharp winds.
So; at the day’s end,
I’m her lamplighter on her silent asteroid,
Among books, papers, rubble of chalk.
I close the gate behind me as I stride out,
Making sure I hear the lock’s tiny click.
I follow strictly her instructions.
Down her street the streetlamps cast
my shadow ahead. Crickets in the bushes
Whirr according to their nature.
In the same order, the sun too will rise
tomorrow, and I shall be back.

~Gémino H. Abad
15-17, 24 Oct, 31 Dec. 2002
Care of Light
New Poems and Found
ISBN 978-971-27-2341-4

Gémino H. Abad is a university professor emeritus of literature at the University of the Philippines, a poet, fictionist, literary critic and historian, and anthologist, with many honors and awards to his name, the most recent being the Premio Feronia of Italy in 2009.
He is most noted for his poetry and critical essays among his 36 books and his three-volume historical anthology of our poetry in English.
He is currently working on the last set of his six-volume historical anthology of our short stories in English from 1956 to 2008, of which the first 2-volume set, Upon Our Own Ground, is already out; its 2-vol. sequel, Underground Spirit, is already in the UP Press.

Herd of cats sleeping on couch
computer wall paper
Image by rikkis_refuge
Use your imagination to build the Best Little Cat Tree in Town for either the 9th Life Retirement, Assisted Living and Psychiatric Center cats or the cats in the Cat Houses of Feline Fields. Indoors, we have finally given up trying to fight the cats. Cats like Meg, who know how to open file cabinets. Cats like Vincent, who loves to shred boxes. Cats like Timmy, who look to spill coffee on computers. Cats like Gertrude, who shred rolls of paper towels and toilet paper. Cats like Mariah, who can't help but when she drips diarrhea about. Cats like Bucky, who prefer to eject their hairballs from the highest possible location. Cats like Francesca, who think anything plastic must be a litterbox. Cats like Shadow, just as soon pee on a door as walk through one. Cats like Neka, who eat more paper than the goats do. Cats like Quincy, who drool on everything. And the list goes on.

Cages are going up to protect the human type supplies. The office things, the paperwork, the medications, all the things that enjoy life much better not covered in cat puke or worse will be hidden behind wire. Every room is being rearranged. The human furniture is all being disposed of. Every room has had couches, with covers that need washing every day.

From now on it's going to be cat friendly or to the dump!!!! There are a few requirements for building the Best Little Cat Tree in Town. Some human requirements. It must be easy for humans to move to clean around and under it (unless it's a structure permanently attached to the walls of the cat runs). It must be relatively easy to clean. For example the average lifespan of a couch in the 9th Life Retirement, Assisted Living and Psychiatric Center is 12 days. It must not have hidey holes that make it any more difficult to extract feral cats attempting to avoid their medication. No Moray Eel traps, where one would stick in their hands and be horribly bitten, before they even knew there was a feral hiding in there.

And there are some cat requirements. It must be fun to climb and sleep on. No dangerous surfaces, nails sticking out, or anything they can get hurt on, or stuck in. It must be stable, so it will not fall over and hurt them. No parts that can be chewed off and swallowed.

Design your Cat Tree, build your prototypes, test it on your cats, tweak out the mistakes, rebuild your Cat Tree, and when it finally is really and truly the Best Little Cat Tree in Town, bring it down to Rikki's Refuge for our cats to try out. The humans and the cats will collaborate together to pick the best cat tree of all. Be sure your tree is here and in place before the March 31st tour (it's at one o'clock). Visitors on the tour will get a chance to vote for the Best Little Cat Tree in Town.

All cat trees will be shown on line and the builder of the Best Little Cat Tree in Town - will win, what else, a cat! Well, how about a Rikki’s sweatshirt - in the size and color of your choice!

Get your hammers and saws out and get to building! Don't miss the next tour, where you can see all the competitors designs. Rikki's Refuge No Kill Animal Sanctuary, www.RikkisRefuge.org - Next tour March 31, 2007 1 PM, RSVP 540-854-0870 x2 or mail@RikkisRefuge.org

computer wall paper
Image by MBK (Marjie)
This insect was crawling up the wall near my computer. Before I ushered him outside to the balcony (on a piece of paper, I didn't crush him) I decided to snap a photo of him.

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