Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Cool Wallpaper For Computers images

12_0101 January 2012 Calendar
wallpaper for computers
Image by joseph readdy
computer desktop calendar wallpaper for the new year using a photograph from a trip to Los Angeles last August of the High School Number 9 by coop himelblaü.

Eins Wallpaper v2
wallpaper for computers
Image by ~Jern
Another version of The Eins Wallpaper. Feel free to download for use on your computer, but if used on the internet give credit to "Jern from The Gundam Spartan: A Canadian Otaku Blog".

... and now for something completely different!
wallpaper for computers
Image by Elif Ayiter/Alpha Auer/..../
just found these on my cybershot. they were taken at least 6 months ago.

my cat Hopik. I did, of course, add the wallpaper for her benefit.

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